Researchers share study findings with key stakeholders at online event
Last week researchers from theme 3 of the PROTECT NCS shared findings from their Greater Manchester Case Studies with key stakeholders. The team conducted a Greater Manchester Case Study, to investigate workplace responses during the pandemic, changes as a result of government policy, and to investigate how workplaces were supported by public health & environmental health teams during the course of the pandemic.
In phase 3, researchers delivered a Case Study report and prepared Study 1 & 2 publications to present a layered picture of the complexities of public health and workplaces in a time of a public health emergency and the legacy it provided.
At the event, Study 1 researchers gave presentations on their analysis of data on workplace outbreaks during the course of the pandemic, and the interviews with educational leaders that they had conducted. Study 2 researchers gave a presentation about the online surveys with employers and employees, and interviews with local authority public health teams, that they had conducted as part of the project.
This was followed by a question-and-answer session and group discussion, which included a discussion about the best ways to ensure that the lessons learnt during the pandemic were used to address wider health issues and to prepare for future pandemics and health crises. The researchers also conducted a poll, which is ongoing, during the event, in order to ask for attendees for their opinions on the most important priorities for future research projects.