Day in the life of a Criminology student

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

Criminology student Amy shares her typical study day at The University of Manchester.

Wake up

7:30am: My alarm goes off. I’m quite an early bird, so first on the list is breakfast. I usually eat in my flat kitchen because there’s always someone about to chat to.


8:00am: I usually make myself some lunch, pack up my laptop and textbooks, put my gym clothes on and head to the bus stop

8:45am: I arrive at Uni just a short 15 minutes later, meet my course friend at one of the cafés on campus.

Lectures and tutorials

9am: Lecture 1, the majority of my lectures and tutorials are in the first halfof the day. I have an hour-long break in the café before a tutorial at 12pm.

Staying active

1:15pm: Bus home, drop my stuff off in my flat and head to the gym. The Armitage Centre is a 30-second walk, costing £70 for a full-year membership.
3:30pm: Back to my flat to shower and get a hot drink. I write myself a to-do list and I set myself three hours of work involving report reading, preparing for tutorials and essay planning.

Evening activities

6:30pm: Shut down my laptop and eat dinner with my flatmates in the kitchen, watching our favourite type of trashy TV. If we decide to go for a few drinks at the Squirrels bar on campus, we will head out around 8pm and back in time to get enough sleep to do it again tomorrow!

