Day in the life of an Economics student

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

An Economics student shares their typical study day at The University of Manchester.

Wake up and breakfast

8am: I’m usually out of the door by 8:15am to give me a bit of time to walk to campus and grab a cup of tea from the Alan Gilbert Café in the Learning Commons.

Lectures and Tutorials

9am: Lecture starts. Most days, lectures start at either 9 or 10am.

10am: I usually catch up with friends following my lecture then get a bite to eat from one of the cafes on campus. There’s pretty much one in every building. You can get most types of food either on campus or close by.

12pm: I head off to meet one of the academics from the course. I want to discuss some of the theory we learnt in class and to ask about some further reading.

2pm: A two-hour tutorial to further explore some of the things that were brought up in the lecture earlier.


4:30pm: I head back and to my flat through the park, then grab some ingredients to make a meal for my flatmates.

Evening activities

7pm: We head out to the local pub for the pub quiz.

11pm: Get some rest for a busy day tomorrow!

