ACFs: NIHR Bursary – how to claim
Please email the ICAT team in the first instance to request use of the bursary. Once we have given approval, after the event, you need to complete a PR7 expenses claim form. Please ensure the form is signed (original signatures only accepted) and return it along with all the receipts to:
The following expenses are eligible for bursary use:
- A maximum of £1,000 for expenses that have been incurred during that trainee year. Expenses are only incurred on the date the event occurs, for example, a train ticket booked in advance can only be reimbursed once it has been used for travel
- A trainee year is each 12-month period that follows a trainee’s start date. For example, if a trainee starts on 1 August then their trainee year will run from 1 August to 31 July
- 10% of the bursary can be used towards PPIE
- The bursary does not cover claims for clinical courses, including revision courses, consumables, publication costs, kit, laptops, books, etc. Only academic courses and conferences, with associated travel, accommodation and subsistence costs