
Academic Clinical Fellows (ACFs) and Academic Clinical Lecturers (ACLs) work within one of our specialties relevant to their area of expertise, offering opportunities for growth and development as a member of our thriving research community.

Find out more about our specialties below, including contact details for the academic programme lead and key researchers in each area.




Our clinicians and scientists work to investigate mechanisms responsible for clinical entities including congenital heart failure and cardiac rhythm disturbances.

Areas covered include experimental cardiology, genetics and development, and clinical cardiovascular research.

This research theme is fully integrated with the vascular and stroke research group.

Academic programme leadDr Luigi Venetucci

Related websites:

Division of Cardiovascular Sciences
Cardiovascular, endocrine and metabolic sciences domain

Clinical genetics

The Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine is an integrated NHS and University of Manchester Centre. The department has over 300 staff and covers all major areas across Clinical Genetics including sub-specialist expertise in the genetics of developmental disorders, congenital malformations, cancer, cardiac disorders, neurological conditions, eye diseases, and inborn errors of metabolism. It is also the national centre for the care and diagnosis of patients with neurofibromatosis and lysosomal storage disorders. The department benefits from close association with the North West Genome Medicine Service Alliance and the Manchester Rare Conditions Centre.

The department has a strong track record of successful research funding and fellowships from NIHR, Wellcome Trust, MRC, and numerous charities. In the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre several members of our staff lead multiple themes including Advanced Phenotyping and Diagnostics, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection, and Rare Conditions. Research in the department has led to identification of more than 100 genetic diseases. The centre has an internationally leading gene therapy and advanced treatments clinical trials program on rare diseases. The department offers a wide breadth of exciting research opportunities including in fundamental biology, data science, translational research, clinical studies and in implementation science.

Academic programme lead: Professor Siddharth Banka

Other key researchers in the field:
Professor Graeme Black
Professor Gareth Evans
• Professor Simon Jones
• Professor Ramona Moldovan
Professor Bill Newman
Dr Miriam Smith
• Dr Emma Woodward

Related websites:
Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine
Division of Evolution Infection and Genomics

Manchester Rare Conditions Centre



In dentistry three awards are offered through the programme:

Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACF)

ACFs are for three years, with fellows spending 25% of their time in research and/or education and 75% in specialist clinical training.

ACFs in primary dental care last for four years with the same split between academic and clinical activities. To be eligible for an ACF you must have demonstrable interest in pursuing the integrated academic clinical pathway, have a research plan for a masters-level research degree and for specialty clinical training posts will require clinical benchmarking.

ACFs are designed to provide the skills and experience necessary to prepare an application for a competitive, peer-reviewed doctoral level research training fellowship.

In-Practice Fellowships (IPF)

IPFs provide pre-doctoral academic training to fully-qualified general dental practitioners, and community dentists. The IPF is a two-year award (or can be taken up part-time over 30 or 40 months), fellows split their time 50/50 between academic activities and clinical practice.

As with ACFs the fellowship is designed equip the fellow with the skills and experience required to make a competitive application for doctoral fellowship funding.

Clinical Lectureships (CL)

CL awards are post-doctoral and CLs will spend 50% of their time in research and/or education and 50% in specialist clinical training.  CLs are of four years’ duration or until completion of clinical training, whichever is sooner.

To be eligible for a CL award you must have completed a research doctorate or equivalent, show outstanding potential to continue your career as an academic clinician and be in higher speciality training. (Applicants without an NTN will need to clinically benchmark). CLs are also available to dentists working in primary dental care.

More information about the Dentistry IAT Programme is available on the NIHR website.

The University’s Division of Dentistry works closely with NHS England (NHSE) and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust to provide high quality academic support and clinical training from leaders in the dental specialties with dedicated research and clinical supervision and inspirational mentors.

Within the Division there is an NIHR network group to support new starters and their progression. There is a broad range of research opportunities within the vast scope of clinical and research interests hosted by The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester and Health Innovation Manchester.

Academic Programme Lead: Professor Julian Satterthwaite


Our dermatology research group, led by Professor Chris Griffiths, is one of the leading groups in Europe.

It is fully integrated with the largest clinical department of dermatology in the UK (Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and includes 33 consultant dermatologists, 17 specialist registrars serving a population of three million.

The North West dermatology training programme is the largest outside London.

Dedicated clinical research facilities are located at SRFT and basic science laboratories in the Stopford Building, University of Manchester.

All research is based on questions that arise from direct patient care and is truly translational aimed at improving patient management.

The programme is bespoke and trainee-centred; ACFs spend 25% time in research and ACLs 50%.

Academic programme lead: Dr Zenas Yiu

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Dermatology research at Manchester

Diabetes and endocrinology

The University of Manchester is an ideal setting for an academic career in endocrinology and diabetes.

The Manchester hub is internationally leading in its research and tertiary referral clinical practice across three large teaching hospitals.

We have more than 20 professors, hold >£20 million in research grant funding and are published in the leading biomedical literature.

Successful appointees to the scheme will be well supported to become one of our many fellows funded in excess of £5 million by the MRC, BBSRC and Wellcome Trust at doctoral, intermediate and senior award levels.

Academic programme lead: Dr Rachel Jennings

Related websites: Cardiovascular, endocrine and metabolic sciences domain

Emergency medicine

Manchester was the first UK academic department of emergency medicine (EM) and remains one of the premier European centres for excellence in EM research and training.

The strength of this integrated academic training programme lies in our pedigree and cooperation across the north-west academic emergency departments.

Professor Fiona Lecky at Salford Royal Foundation Trust (SRFT) leads on trauma research (£4 million of external funding, over 40 peer reviewed publications and 3 successful PhDs in last five years).

She is the current Chair of NICE Head Injury Guideline Development Group and Injuries and Emergencies CLRN Local Specialty Group lead and Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) Research Director.

Professor Kevin Mackway-Jones and Dr Rick Body at Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) have attracted £1 million industry funding of late, have published extensively.

The academic, major trauma centre emergency departments at SRFT and MRI receive more than 200,000 new patients, which also include medical and paediatric emergencies. Both departments contain established research groups, clinical decision units and provide excellent clinical and academic training in established programmes for ACF/Ls, FY2s core and specialist trainees.

Academic programme lead: Professor Rick Body

Other key researchers in the field:

Useful websites:


Academic gastroenterology in Manchester is recognised both nationally and internationally.

Academic trainees are fully supported by four professors of gastroenterology with research interests in functional gastrointestinal disorders, neurogastroenterology, nutrition and inflammation.

Academic trainees are actively encouraged to work in other parts of the University as aligned to their individual interests, particularly immunology, matrix biology, epidemiology and infection.

Academic programme leadProfessor Shaheen Hamdy

Related websites:


Academic programme lead: Dr Mark Williams

This is a new Specialty.  Further details will be available soon.


Histopathology underpins all clinical science and increasingly embraces molecular pathology, both diagnostically and in the research arena.

The University of Manchester provides an enormous range of research opportunities across the entire range of biomedicine and the ACF will therefore be able to conduct pathology research in any area of particular interest.

In particular, musculoskeletal disease and cancer research are nationally-leading and are well placed to provide translational research in tissue pathology.

Additionally, the MRC-funded Manchester Molecular Pathology Innovation Centre (MMPathIC) strengthens opportunities in translational molecular pathology.

Additionally, there are active research collaborations between histopathology at Manchester University Foundation Trust and clinicians in several of the local NIHR-approved clinical programmes.

Additionally, MRC funding has supported the creation of a new MSc in Molecular Pathology, which the ACF would be encouraged to undertake.

Research training in molecular pathology is therefore provided in a strong practical research/laboratory setting and via academic teaching, which would include a research project. This could be used to support applications for a clinical training fellowship beyond the ACF post.

Academic programme lead: Dr Anshuman Chaturvedi

Key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Infectious Diseases

The Regional Infectious Diseases Unit is based at North Manchester General Hospital and houses the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit.  This unit undertakes a broad range of phase 1 to phase 4 research studies in many areas of infection, but has particular interests in studies of therapeutics in HIV and viral hepatitis and in vaccine trials.  It is one of the highest performing infection research units in the UK.

There is also a rich foundation of basic science research aligned to infection topics throughout the University, particularly in laboratory science (immunology etc.).

Academic Programme Lead: Professor Andrew Ustianowski

This is a new Specialty.  Further details will be available soon.

Intensive care medicine

The Manchester Critical Care Research Group includes extensive research expertise across the Greater Manchester Critical Care and Major Trauma Network.

We undertake a number of research themes aimed at improving the short- and long-term outcomes of critically ill patients.

Our current research themes for academic trainees are focused on:

  1. diagnosis and optimal management of life-threatening infections and sepsis and;
  2. the airway and lungs of critically ill patients. The clinical academic team has experience in the design and conduct of clinical trials in critically ill patients including experimental medicine studies (including pharmacokinetic studies), large randomised controlled trials and observational, cohort studies.
  3. Optimal management of acute and chronic respiratory failure including weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation
  4. Optimal management of tracheostomy and the airway

Academic programme leadProfessor Andrew Bentley

Key researchers in the field:

  • Dr Timothy Felton (Academic Research Supervisor)
  • Dr Daniel Horner (Clinical Supervisor)
  • Professor Paul Dark (National Deputy Medical Director NIHR, Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Research Professor of Humanitarian & Conflict Response)
  • Professor Brendan McGrath (European Lead of Global Tracheostomy Collaborative)

Related websites


Academic Nephrology and Transplantation in Greater Manchester is linked to the Academic Renal Centres at Manchester Royal Infirmary (Manchester University Hospitals Trust), Salford Royal Hospital (Northern Care Alliance) and Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. The research is linked to one of the largest tertiary nephrology services delivered in the UK. Kidney research in Greater Manchester is a comprehensive and diverse programme and provides an excellent environment for those wishing to undertake a clinical academic training programme in Nephrology and Transplantation. The research infrastructure includes dedicated research laboratories, an NIHR Clinical Research Facility for complex trials and links to the Biomedical Research Centre, University of Manchester, Citylabs and the Academic Corridor of Innovation at Oxford Road, Central Manchester. The research projects are linked with international collaborators and global Industry partners. Our Researchers and Research-active clinical teams are highly supportive and are available to support trainees in identifying appropriate supervisors and collaborative research opportunities for ACFs/ACLs. The academic centres offer a range of funded Nephrology MD/PhD Research Fellowship programmes as natural progression for ACFs and CLs.

 Academic Programme Lead:

Professor Sandip Mitra

 Related Websites:

Greater Manchester Academic Nephrology Network (gmann.co.uk) [gmann.co.uk]

Home – Kidney Research UK [kidneyresearchuk.org]



In partnership with the Geoffrey Jefferson Brain Research Centre, The Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences (MCCN) is one of the largest Neurology units in the world, serving >3 million.  We have pioneered the use of non-invasive skin swabs as a way to achieve early diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinsons disease (PD).  We have a large Deep Brain Stimulation Research Programme.  The MCCN contains one of the largest dedicated Neurology Clinical Trials Units in the UK.  We have led multiple therapeutic trials in PD, neurodegenerative disorders, dementia, muscle disease, motor neuron disease and epilepsy; including intravenous antibody trials, antisense trials and gene-therapy trials.  The Cerebral Function Unit (CFU) at MCCN is one of the leading dementia research centres in the world.  Several variants of dementia were first described in Manchester and novel dementia genes were first identified here.  Ongoing research focuses on Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Body Dementia, Frontotemporal dementia and atypical Parkinsonian syndromes.  We have a large departmentally-funded Neurology Research Fellow PhD programme which is a natural progression for many of our ACFs and CLs.

Academic Programme Lead:

Professor Monty Silverdale

Other Key Researchers:

Dr Christopher Kobylecki

Dr Matthew Jones

Professor Perdita Barran

Professor Niki Ray

Related Websites:





Clinical neuroscience research at The University of Manchester is focused on stroke, neuro- oncology and neurodegeneration and is a key part of the Neuroscience and Mental Health domain.

Here, neuroscientists study brain function at the molecular, cellular and systems level alongside applied clinical health researchers to develop the very best, internationally leading research to gain a greater understanding of the nervous system in health and disease.

Working closely with the Manchester Neurosciences Centre at Salford Royal Foundation Trust, multidisciplinary teams of researchers conduct early translational research, phase 2 and 3 intervention studies, and studies of healthcare implementation and quality improvement to improve the lives of people with brain diseases.

Researchers in the field support newly appointed ACFs and ACLs to develop an appropriate programme of research work that they undertake alongside their clinical training to prepare them for PhD fellowships and clinician scientist awards.

Academic programme lead:

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Obstetrics and gynaecology

Our academic obstetrics and gynaecology programme is made up of two internationally recognised centres; maternal and fetal health and gynaecological oncology.

Both departments have integrated clinical and non-clinical academic strength and are high-priority areas within the University of Manchester future research matrix.

Both centres are co-located at St Mary’s Hospital, adjoining the main University site and embedded within one of the largest women’s health hospitals in the country. This allows a full spectrum of basic science/pre-clinical/clinical research to be carried out in a ‘bench-to-bedside’ environment and prospective academic trainees can pursue research interests in many different areas should they wish.

Our academic programme encompasses clinical academic research training at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level. We have a critical mass of academic clinical and non-clinical scientists that provide a solid and secure base for academic clinical research training.

Academic programme leads:

Key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Oncology (medical and clinical)

The Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC) was established in 2006 and is a ‘bench-to-bedside’ cancer research organisation across the Manchester conurbation and north-east Cheshire with access to a population of 3.5 million people.

The partners include the:

  • The Christie NHS Foundation Trust – the largest cancer hospital in Europe with 14,000 new referrals per year, with facilities and expertise for oncology training that are truly world class.
  • Cancer Research UK – the world’s largest independent funder of cancer research, which also funds the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, one of four core-funded CRUK research institutes in the UK
  • The University of Manchester.

Manchester is also home to an Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC). Approximately 25% of all early phase clinical trials patients and around 70% of all patients in early phase radiotherapy trials within the ECMC are recruited in Manchester.

Overall, cancer researchers within the MCRC partners and Division of Cancer Sciences publish around 1,000 peer-reviewed publications every year, and have an active research grant income of over £200 million, including many major infrastructure awards including:

  • CRUK International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (2019-2024, £3 million)
  • CRUK RadNet Manchester (2019-2024, £16.5 million)
  • Manchester ECMC (2022-2027, £3 million)
  • CRUK Manchester Centre (2022-2027, £15 million)
  • NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (2022-2027, £13.7 million share of £59.1 million total)

Academic programme lead:

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites:


Academic ophthalmology encompasses research at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, one of the largest eye hospitals in the UK, and several groupings at the University of Manchester, ranked as one of the world’s best universities.

Research spans across many areas of ophthalmology and vision science and there are particular strengths in retinal disease, technology applications including imaging and AI, paediatric ophthalmology and genetics; encompassing both clinical and laboratory-based research.

We have highly successful ACF and CL schemes.  For example, all ACFs to date have progressed on to externally-funded research fellowships to undertake PhDs.  ACFs also have the option of taking an MSc in Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, which provides an excellent introduction to academic ophthalmology.

Academic trainees are encouraged to make full use of the wide-ranging research opportunities at the University.  The opportunities we can provide ensure that we will be making a major contribution to training the next generation of leading academic ophthalmologists in the UK.

Academic Programme Lead: Dr Panos Sergouniotis 

Other key researchers in the field:


Academic paediatrics in the north-west is linked to our state of the art Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, which offers the largest range of tertiary paediatric and neonatal services delivered from one site in the UK.

It includes dedicated research laboratories, an NIHR Clinical Research Facility for complex interventions in children and also hosts the Medicines for Children Research Network.

It is an excellent environment for those wishing to undertake a clinical academic training programme in paediatrics.

Our researchers are available to assist trainees in identifying appropriate research supervisors and collaborative research opportunities. Research-active NHS teams extend the range of opportunities for ACFs/ACLs to most paediatric specialities.

Academic programme lead: Dr Peter Arkwright

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Plastic surgery

Academic plastic surgery in Manchester is nationally leading with a strong clinical-academic consultant body undertaking clinical and laboratory-based research. There are opportunities for research in all fields of soft tissue reconstruction.

Our clinical research is undertaken at the regional clinical unit in Wythenshawe Hospital where there are current clinical trials on peripheral nerve and tendon injuries, complex wounds and burns. These are funded by the NIHR and industry.

Our laboratory-based research is undertaken at the Blond McIndoe Laboratories at The University of Manchester examining new approaches to cell-based therapies incorporating stem/progenitor cells and tissue-engineering including use of novel materials/scaffolds such as graphene.

ACFs will undertake a clinical or lab-based research project (offered through the MRes Medical Sciences) to produce data towards a compelling PhD proposal. All projects offer interdisciplinary training in technologies from engineering to cell-matrix biology. PhD projects are co-supervised by scientists and clinicians from an interdisciplinary pool of >50 internationally leading researchers in clinical fields aligned with plastic surgery.

Academic programme leads:

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Primary care

Primary care at Manchester provides a vibrant research-intensive environment for academic trainees, who are encouraged to get involved with a wide variety of research across the field of primary care.

The Centre for Primary Care (CPC) is one of eight university departments of primary care that together make up the NIHR School for Primary Care Research, providing excellent opportunities for collaboration.

CPC also is closely associated with the NIHR Greater Manchester Primary Care Patient Safety Translational Centre, and is a key partner in the Manchester NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). Together, these provide a wealth of research expertise and ACFs and ACLs have the opportunity to get involved with the whole spectrum of research as applied to primary care – from theoretical insights to practical quality improvement.

Medical Education ACFs are based in Community Based Medical Education at Manchester Medical School, which is one of the largest schools in the UK. It also has a track record of senior staff gaining the prestigious National Teaching Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.

Academic programme leadDr Tom Blakeman

 Key researchers in the field:

 Related websites:


Manchester has one of the strongest groupings of psychiatry researchers in Europe.

We have close collaborations with other research groups and are able to offer a wide range of translational research experience from basic science to health services research.

In the group there are three NIHR Senior Investigators, three Academy of Medical Sciences Fellows and two National Clinical Directors. Research income over the past five years has been in excess of £25 million.

We are generally flexible with respect to the training level at which we recruit (ST1-4 for ACFs and post-PhD for ACLs), in order to ensure that we appoint the best candidates.

Academic programme lead: Professor Nav Kapur

Key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Respiratory medicine

The Centre for Respiratory and Allergy is based in the NIHR Respiratory Allergy Clinical Research Facility at University Hospital South Manchester.

The group has four main internationally recognised research themes with world-leading expertise and highly active research programmes:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • fungal lung diseases
  • allergy

Additional areas of research include cystic fibrosis, asthma, lung cancer diagnostics, transplantation, intensive care and interstitial lung disease.

Our clinical research is integrated with UHSM’s regional clinical unit (North West Lung Centre) providing tertiary clinical services for a broad range of respiratory diseases, fungal diseases and allergy. The clinical services are supported by a total of 25 consultants, of which 11 are clinical academics.

The respiratory and allergy team consists of six Clinical Professors, four Non-Clinical Professors, two Clinical Readers, and nine Senior Lecturers/Lecturers, providing a broad range of experience and expertise to support integrated academic training across a range of topics.

We have substantial experience of mentoring PhD students and postdoctoral clinicians. We currently support two ACFs and two ACLs. We also have a strong record supervising and mentoring clinicians to achieve success in externally-funded fellowships.

Academic programme leadDr Timothy Felton

Other key researchers in the field:

Useful websites:


The Centre for Musculoskeletal Research (CfMR) is one of the largest and most comprehensive groups conducting rheumatology research in the UK.  The CfMR comprises the Versus Arthritis Centres of Excellence in Epidemiology and Genetics and Genomics, as well as the Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal theme of the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and numerous other research programmes.  We aim to understand the aetiology and outcome of a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, juvenile ideopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, schleroderma, myositis and osteoarthritis; the pathophysiology and management of musculoskeletal pain; pharmacoepidemiology (in particular methotrexate and biologic agents) and co-morbidity.  The CfMR has over 100 staff including eight clinical professors and several senior lecturers and academic clinical lecturers.  All the principal investigators have experience of supervising higher degrees and can provide mentorship, support and practical guidance to both ACFs and clinical lecturers.

We can offer academic training in laboratory, bioinformatics, clinical pharmacology, clinical trials and epidemiological analysis.

Academic Programme Lead: Dr James Bluett

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites

Surgical oncology

The academic surgical oncology programme emphasises clinical and patient-based translational research complemented by laboratory research.

Manchester is internationally renowned for academic surgical training in breast, oncoplastic and colorectal cancer surgical specialties.

Surgical oncology has multiple achievements by both academic and NHS colleagues achieving a grant income of £12 million and 187 peer reviewed publications, as well as funding from Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer Campaign, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, the National Institute for Health Research, and five Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) Fellowships.

The Greater Manchester Cancer Network achieved the highest recruitment in the UK of patients to studies and trials in the last two years.

Manchester is home to the North West Surgical Trials Centre (NWSTC), a collaboration with the University of Liverpool. This offers training opportunities in clinical trial methodology.

We offer the only academic surgical oncology training for ACF/ACLs in the north of England and are capable of attracting high-calibre academic surgeons.

Our research focuses on cancer of the breast and colon with training in liver surgery for metastatic disease. There is also research on venous thrombo-embolism in cancer treatments, cancer stem cells and circulating tumour cells.

Academic programme lead: Professor Nigel Bundred

Other key researchers in the field:

Related websites:

Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Academic Orthopaedics in Manchester is led by Professor Leela Biant, current President of the British Association for Surgery of the Knee and an internationally recognised clinician scientist.  The team consists of academic surgeons and world-leading scientists in the fields of Cell Biology, Proteomics and Discovery Medicine, Advanced Materials in Medicine, Graphene, Genomics, Circadian Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Advanced Human Movement Science, and allied health professionals.

Manchester has the NHSE directly funded North West Joint Preservation Service which provides regenerative surgery solutions for articular cartilage damage and early arthritis to a population of 7 million patients.  This allows for innovative clinical and translational research opportunities.

Clinical orthopaedics is undertaken at the MRI, Trafford, Wythenshawe and North Manchester sites and includes major trauma centre experience.  There are over 15 active current clinical trials in elective orthopaedic and trauma surgery in Manchester.  Translational studies where clinical data and biological samples taken at surgery are analysed to advance the relevant clinical field are routine.  Manchester is actively involved in national trauma trials, and leads several.

Basic science work is undertaken at the Stopford Building, Michael Smith Building and the Royce Institute.

ACFs will undertake a clinical or translational project on the MRes scheme to enable data towards an exciting PhD proposal.  Comprehensive training is offered as necessitated by the project chosen and the ACFs have the support of Professor Biant and the TPD Mr Woodruff throughout.  The ACFs will be supported to publish their work, present at conferences and develop their academic and clinical interests in parallel.

Academic programme lead: Professor Leela Biant

Training Programme Director: Mr Mike Woodruff – mike.woodruff@lthtr.nhs.uk

Other key researchers:

Vascular Surgery

Academic programme leads: Ferdinand.Serracino-Inglott@mft.nhs.uk and Jonathan.Ghosh@mft.nhs.uk

The Manchester Academic Vascular Research and Innovation Centre (MAVRIC), based at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), is a growing, highly ambitious unit aiming to be amongst the leading Vascular Research and Innovation groups in Europe within the next five years.

The clinical Vascular services at MFT now serve the largest population in the UK, which presents a unique opportunity for research.

MAVRIC consists of clinical and non-clinical academics with plans to expand the academic team further in the near future.  This provides a plethora of experience which produces a high volume of high-quality work.  In the last year we have published numerous seminal papers, inclusive of guidelines, books and book chapters.

Of particular note is the unique academic expertise in:

  • Diabetic lower limb pathologies
  • Advanced vascular imaging
  • Risk-stratification and optimisation prior to major vascular surgery
  • Non-operative interventions to improve vascular outcomes and cardiovascular risk
  • Applied sports science to improve vascular physiology

Key Researchers include