Specialised Foundation Programme
SFPs are an opportunity for doctors to develop their research and/or teaching skills and/or medical and management capabilities. There is great variety between specialised programmes with some focusing on more traditional pathways while others focus on quality improvement and even health informatics.
There is great range of clinical specialties and research themes that offer a wide choice of research training from basic science to translational clinical research and health informatics.
Research training opportunities are provided in collaboration between the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester and NHS Trusts.
There are three SFPs based across two hospital trusts:
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT – this includes MRI and Wythenshawe) and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (SRFT)
Contact details for the SFP lead can be found below:
Email: easwari.kothandaraman@mft.nhs.uk
How to apply
Application information for 2023 entry can be found on the North West School of Foundation Training website.
Additional training
Foundation trainees also have the opportunity to attend Academic Clinical Fellows training sessions which are facilitated by Academic Development in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
For further details on research training opportunities, please contact the SFP Academic Lead: