ACF Monitoring
All ACFs have regular informal meetings with their Academic Programme Lead (APL) and Training Programme Director (TPD).
In addition they are required to have formal meetings that are documented to ensure satisfactory academic progress is demonstrated for Annual Review Competency Progression.
You are responsible for organising academic progress meetings with the appropriate people in plenty of time. These meetings should be documented using the appropriate form.
A summary of the formal meetings is given below along with links to download the forms.
Submitting your forms
All completed forms should be sent to the ICAT Coordinator, Laura Skinkis by email:
Date: Year 1, September | With: ACF Lead
- Introduction to ACF Programme, RTP and mentoring
- Monitoring procedures and ACF Advisors
Project planning meeting (form 1)
Date: Year 1, September/October | With: ACF Advisor and Supervisor
- Planning for the first year
- Identify supervisor
- Discussion about project
- Discussion about training (MRes/portfolio of CPD)
Download project planning meeting forms
Meeting with advisor (if applicable)
Date: Year 1, October | With: ACF Advisor
- Plans for academic skills training
- Generic academic competencies; comments and plans for Year 1
Download meeting with advisor forms
Fellowship planning meeting
Date: Year 2, October | With: ACF Advisor and Supervisor
- Planning for the second year: set annual objectives for ARCP
- Planning for fellowship applications
- Discussion about project
- Discussion about training (MRes/portfolio of CPD)
Download fellowship planning meeting forms
Application review meeting
Date: Year 3, October | With: ACF Lead, ACF Advisor and Supervisor
- Planning for the third year: set annual objectives for ARCP
- Review fellowship applications
- Discussion about project
- Discussion about training (MRes/portfolio of CPD)
Download application review meeting forms
Project progress meeting – form 2
Date: All Years, April/May | With: ACF Supervisor/ APL/ Advisor
- Preparing for academic ARCP (submit form 2)
- Project progress – outputs (abstracts, presentations, papers), skills acquired
- PhD project planning