Upcoming changes to cost recovery charges

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

UKBBN LOGOA recent UK Brain Bank Network meeting and review has recommended that all UK Brain Banks increase cost recovery tariffs to help support the banks long term given the rising costs that we are all experiencing.

It has been suggested that a two stage increase will ensure that researchers are able to absorb slightly raised costs in the short term and plan better for increased costs in the long term. As such, cost recovery tariffs will increase by 10% from April 2023 with a further increase of 50% from January 2024.

Prospective tissue requestors are asked to use these new cost recovery figures in any grant applications going forward to ensure that tissue costs are adequately covered by grant funding.

A full list of updated cost recovery charges can be found here: https://brainbanknetwork.ac.uk/public/researchers/tariffs/

If you have any queries, feel free to email me at andrew.c.robinson@manchester.ac.uk

Thank you