Course unit surveys
The Semester 2 Unit Surveys are now open until the 10th May.
Did you know you can download an app onto your Apple or Android device to complete your Unit Survey? A one-time download of the survey EvaluationKIT survey app will last for the whole time you’re at University! You can find instructions on how to do this on the SALC Student Intranet under “guides and forms”.
All you need is the unique key which will be provided in your Unit Surveys email.
You can also complete the Unit Surveys by logging into Blackboard using the link in My Manchester to find the individual Unit Surveys.
The surveys are anonymous and they don’t take long to complete. Your opinion helps us to identify what we are doing well, as well as areas for improvement. The School and University place great value on the feedback provided to us via Unit Surveys as it helps us identify areas in which the units are going really well and ways in which we can improve our teaching and course materials.
For more information, please go to the Your Say page on My Manchester.