Performance measurement of capture mask, including characterisation of full operating performance
This report from theme 2 researchers of the PROTECT NCS, details experimental studies designed to investigate the performance of a new facemask design with impactor plate capabilities for segregating aerosols and droplets by size. This includes collecting and...
Multi-compartment Within Host Model
This report is an extension of the work of PROTECT Phase 2 and covers the work done under phase 3 of PROTECT, in which researchers from theme 2 of the PROTECT NCS, developed simplified models and introduced two different viral mechanisms anddose-response models. In...
An exploration of how ‘Living with COVID’ influences COVID-19 transmission risk, response and resilience in workplace settings: a Greater Manchester Case Study – Study 1
The aim of this study, from theme 3 researchers of the PROTECT NCS, together with the accompanying Case Study 2, was to assess how the ‘Living with COVID’ change in policy and guidance affected transmission risk, response and resilience in workplace settings in...
Surface sampling for SARS-CoV-2 in workplace outbreak settings in the UK, 2021-22
As part of the COVID-19 Outbreak investigation to Understand Transmission study (COVID-OUT) study, environmental surface sampling was conducted at workplaces reporting cases of COVID-19 within their workforce to establish areas of contamination within workplaces,...
Understanding what influences the wearing of face coverings – report on the deliverables of the study
The aim of this study from theme 3 researchers of the PROTECT NCS, was to understand what influences the wearing of face coverings. This paper seeks to answer 3 key research questions: what is the prevalence of face covering use in work, public transport and indoor...
Perceptions of transmission and mitigation of SARS-CoV-2: Cross sector Theme 3 WP1 Deep dives.
This cross-sector research follows on from work carried out between October 2020 to March 2022 by PROTECT theme 3 researchers into eight sectors. Circumstances for all of these sectors, and their workers, have evolved as the pandemic has changed. Between August and...
Deep dive with an electricity generating company: qualitative insights from site-based workers.
This study forms part of the wider PROTECT National Core Study on COVID-19 transmission, and sought to explore COVID-19 transmission within the nuclear energy company, EDF. The focus of the study, led by theme 3 researchers of the PROTECT NCS, was to explore worker’s...
An exploration of how ‘Living with COVID’ influences COVID-19 transmission risk, response and resilience in workplace settings: a Greater Manchester Case Study – Study 2
The Greater Manchester Case Study investigated how changes in policy and advice, as set out in the government report ‘Living with COVID’, affected COVID-19 transmission risk, response and resilience in workplace settings. This study, study 2, used qualitative...
SARS-CoV-2 detected on exhaled breath by facemask sampling predicts how likely someone is to transmit to their household better than upper respiratory tract swabs.
People who test positive for COVID-19 and breathe out virus are more likely to infect their household members than via virus sampled in their nose and throatPeople are most likely to breathe out high amounts of virus early on when they are infectedIf participants were...
Importance of ventilation as a means of infection control in care homes.
As winter continues and energy costs rise, it is tempting to try and keep residents warm and fuel costs down by hunkering down until the weather gets warmer. But keeping all the windows and doors shut may not be the best idea: all homes need ventilation and care homes...
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