Key findings from the Everyday Lives research project

by | Aug 1, 2019 | Research insights | 0 comments

The research team has produced a briefing report, summarising the research approach, findings and implications for the Maldives.

It concludes with the argument that:

…the relationship between economic growth and environmental change is complex, and one that island populations are increasingly having to contend with. This is especially the case due to the rapid growth of the guesthouse-based tourism industry. Guesthouses, and associated developments, are generally popular due to the much-needed economic benefits that they bring, but they also create new challenges for local populations.


…coastal erosion, the washing up of waste, and changes to the built environment – are resulting in new plans and policies being put into place by local leaders, and new initiatives being undertaken by the people that they represent. This local ingenuity would benefit from further external support, such as resources for waste management systems and the construction of coastal defences, in order to maintain and enhance the quality of island life.


Read the full, 12 page report here.


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