Video resources

Four videos (BSL, Dutch, Hindi and Kurdish) simulating various phases of interview stage of interpreted Mental Health Act assessments (MHAAs) are available to view/download. Note that several versions are available of each video: 

1) with spoken English only 

2) with subtitles of spoken English only

3) with subtitles of spoken English and back-translation into English of the other spoken/signed language (which appear in a different colour in the subtitles)  

4) English subtitles including subtitles of the translations from other spoken languages plus BSL interpretation throughout. 

The videos last around 8 minutes each and are to be used alongside the ‘Best Practices for AMHPs and Interpreters working together’ guidance 


The time-limited interpreter and the unsure AMHP

See videos


Interpreter mediation and nearest relative

See videos


The sign language interpreter and modifying terms to support understanding

See videos


The relative is the interpreter in exceptional circumstances

See videos