Written by James Thompson

Over the course of 2021-2022, Luke Tanner (dementia care therapist and consultant) conducted interviews with care workers asking them what they understood by the term ‘beautiful care’ and if they could give examples of beautiful care in their experience. The interviews were transcribed and edited into a play script by James Thompson (Drama professor) and Jenny Harris (artist). This piece was performed at the Whitworth (see here) in June 2022, by three invited artists who had direct experience of care or care work. The performance was followed by a panel of artists and academics, and was attended by an audience of between 40-50.

The project also involved running a workshop in a care home where staff were engaged with the idea of beautiful care and encouraged to consider examples of beautiful care in their home. The ambition for this project is to change the negative language around care work and value the craft and skill of careworkers, who are too often disparaged for their work. We will be continuing to develop the project in more care homes and with new performances in 2022-2023.

Project duration: 2022-2023

Project lead: James Thompson (Dept. of Drama, UoM)

External partners: Jenny Harris (artist), Luke Tanner (dementia care therapist and consultant)

Audiences involved: Artists, students, researchers, careworkers, general public

Audience feedback: See here

Funding source: SALC Social Responsibility Award


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