Feeding back
One way of getting involved in the School is by giving feedback. We always want to hear what is going well, what you would like to see more of or what you think needs to change. There are a number of ways in which you can feedback to us:
Next time you see your Academic Advisor – be open and tell them how you’ve been getting on with your studies and what may have impacted you (positively and negatively). They can make sure your feedback goes to the right place.
At your next PASS group or peer mentor session. Your Student Coordinator can advise you who best to speak to in your Department;
Your Student Representative is here to represent your views! Student Reps are invited to meetings and School level committees, they can make sure your views are heard by the people in the School that can influence change;
At the end of each semester by completing your course unit survey. Your feedback will be considered and changes may be made to how a course is delivered from what you tell us;
In your final year by completing the National Student Survey. You will help improve the experience of existing and future students in the School. Your feedback can be used when making important decisions on new policies, initiatives and investments;
Remember you can talk to your administration team – they can offer you advice on the best person to talk to in the School.
Also, you can give feedback through this blog anytime – tell us how you think we’re doing!