The Grad Fair
What are you doing when you finish Uni? Not sure yet? Don’t worry.
The Grad Fair will have over 120 exhibitors with a wide range of options – everything from grad schemes and full time jobs to work and travel overseas, volunteering and further study. They’re all offering opportunities available from Summer 2019 and beyond – so there’s no need to panic, it’s not too late to find your next step after graduation.
Even if you’re feeling too overwhelmed with revision and exams to make any decisions now, that’s fine. Just take an hour out and come along to simply explore the possibilities. No pressure at all. It could be the most productive study break you ever take.
Your friendly Careers Team will also be around on the day to help with:
- Your questions (How will I find work if I have to move home?)
- Your worries (How do I make the right choices? Should I take time out?)
- Your CV
- Or simply just to help you make sense of what to do once Uni finishes.
Help for Disabled Students attending The Grad Fair
Pre-event workshop, Wednesday 8 May, 9am-10:15am
If you are a student with a disability/long term health condition or have dyslexia, The Careers Service has arranged a workshop for you, before the Grad Fair opens (from 9am-10:15am).
Get advice directly from recruiters and disability specialists about disclosure, reasonable adjustments and the support you can request.
If you would like to attend this session, just complete the relevant fields on the Registration form: bit.ly/gradfair2019
Making the most of the fair
You can find tips and advice in our ‘Making the Most of the fair‘ section. The following downloads may be useful when preparing to attend the fair too:
Want more info? Just ask.
If you would like more information about our Graduate Recruitment Fair, please email careers.events@manchester.ac.uk.
We looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 8 May.