Introduction to master’s study
Interested in studying a master’s, but not sure what it will actually be like? Unsure whether you are prepared for the level of work required? Curious as to what types of master’s courses students from your subject area go on to do?
Come along to this informal session to find out more. This session has been designed to give you a flavour of the types of course that students in your subject area typically go on to do, and what the step up from undergraduate to master’s study is actually like in practice.
Speakers include two academic members of staff from Religions and Theology: Dr Holly Morse and Dr Scott Midson. They will be joined by Johnnie Dixon, an Employability Executive in the Careers Service who did a master’s in philosophy before starting the role. The event will be relevant to students in any subject area in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures.
The event will take place on Tuesday 15 October, 5 – 6.15pm in 2.218 University Place. This is a flat teaching room and is accessible via lift.
To sign up, please log on to Careers Link and enter 5494 in the event ID box.