Lockdown day 23 – patiently preparing to party!

Later today it is expected that the Government will extend the lockdown for a further 3 weeks.
Limiting the spread, flattening the curve and thereby doing our best to protect the frontline NHS workers is the most important priority right now. We applaud them and their selfless sense of service and commitment to the health of humankind.
Whilst our colleagues are putting their skills to the test during this historic time; creating personal narratives which will be weaved into their family’s rich tapestry for generations to come. Distancing, in isolation if necessary, from other fellow human beings is the only thing many of us can do. But it is the thing that we can do!
And it is not a small thing. For many it brings anxiety, loneliness and uncertainty. For some it comes with intense 24/7 childcare, home-learning and constant cleaning. For others an opportunity for quiet reflection and indulging in those pastimes which are never usually possible.
This unwelcome, global virus has impacted on all of us in very different ways. But be assured that we all have a part to play in patiently preparing to re-emerge into a new world once this is over.
And it will be over.
And then we’ll have a massive party!
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Lockdown day 23 – patiently preparing to party!

Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple pie powder. Marshmallow powder chocolate bar sugar plum chocolate bar wafer marshmallow sugar plum bear claw. Marzipan macaroon bonbon sweet powder chocolate cake donut toffee carrot cake. Ice cream apple pie pastry. Wafer biscuit brownie bonbon. Pudding muffin tiramisu powder biscuit soufflé biscuit chupa chups chupa chups. Powder lemon drops pastry apple pie lemon drops cotton candy. Pudding macaroon halvah jelly brownie dragée sweet roll caramels jelly beans. Cookie biscuit lollipop. Donut jelly beans wafer marzipan powder oat cake gummies icing chocolate bar. Dessert fruitcake donut cupcake. Jelly macaroon brownie gingerbread cupcake donut fruitcake. Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.
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Rita Chow on 17th April 2020 at 7:50 am
Agree with you, Suz! I miss the human contact and social conversations with colleagues. Just another 3 weeks to go. Hopefully we will be back to Oglesby Building soon. Stay safe and well.
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Lockdown day 23 – patiently preparing to party!

Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple pie powder. Marshmallow powder chocolate bar sugar plum chocolate bar wafer marshmallow sugar plum bear claw. Marzipan macaroon bonbon sweet powder chocolate cake donut toffee carrot cake. Ice cream apple pie pastry. Wafer biscuit brownie bonbon. Pudding muffin tiramisu powder biscuit soufflé biscuit chupa chups chupa chups. Powder lemon drops pastry apple pie lemon drops cotton candy. Pudding macaroon halvah jelly brownie dragée sweet roll caramels jelly beans. Cookie biscuit lollipop. Donut jelly beans wafer marzipan powder oat cake gummies icing chocolate bar. Dessert fruitcake donut cupcake. Jelly macaroon brownie gingerbread cupcake donut fruitcake. Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.
1 Comment
Rita Chow on 17th April 2020 at 7:50 am
Agree with you, Suz! I miss the human contact and social conversations with colleagues. Just another 3 weeks to go. Hopefully we will be back to Oglesby Building soon. Stay safe and well.
Agree with you, Suz! I miss the human contact and social conversations with colleagues. Just another 3 weeks to go. Hopefully we will be back to Oglesby Building soon. Stay safe and well.