Health and Wellbeing Champions Network

by | Mar 15, 2024 | All posts, Health Sciences | 0 comments

Ever wondered how to create a healthier and happier workplace at SHS?

The SHS Health & Wellbeing Network Champions aim is to promote positive behaviours that enhance health and lifestyle and support the wellbeing of colleagues. We’re a diverse group of professional support staff, academics, and researchers working together to make SHS a place where everyone thrives.

We listen, we collaborate, we take action!

We view health and wellbeing as a broad concept that encompasses both physical and mental well-being of staff and students. Here’s a breakdown of what being a Health & Wellbeing Network Champion entails:

Physical Health: Promoting healthy lifestyles through initiatives such as on on-site sport and physical activity programs and workplace health services.

Mental Health: Raising awareness about mental health issues, promoting resources and support services for stress management, anxiety, or depression, and promoting a culture of open communication about mental health.

Overall Well-being: Creating a supportive environment that fosters work-life balance, social connections, financial well-being resources and support and personal and professional development opportunities.

Over the last few months, the SHS Health & Wellbeing Network Champions have leveraged staff surveys to identify key areas where we can improve the health and well-being of our SHS colleagues. Here’s a glimpse into what we do:

  • Monthly brainstorms: We meet regularly to discuss fresh ideas, share best practices, and explore resources that promote healthy lifestyles and well-being for all SHS staff.
  • Share resources on MS Teams: Our dedicated Microsoft Teams area is your one-stop shop for everything related to well-being at SHS. Find upcoming events, share resources, and stay connected with colleagues who share your passion for health.
  • Mark your calendar:  We’re planning a fantastic SHS Wellbeing Event on June 20th, 2025 – details coming soon!

By focusing on healthy behaviors and promoting well-being, we’re helping to create a supportive environment where everyone at SHS can feel their best.

We encourage everyone who shares our passion for health and well-being to join our Network! Your support can make a real difference in creating a healthier and happier SHS community. Please contact the SHS Health & Wellbeing Champions Network Lead, to be added to our Teams channel and/or join our next meeting.


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