Immunology & Cell Biology Interview with Prof Judi Allen – Immunology at Manchester
Our Cellular Immunology Branch Lead Prof Judi Allen has been interviewed by Prof Adrian Liston for the Immunology & Cell Biology Journal to discuss what makes Immunology at Manchester such an exciting prospect for researchers/students
Prof Judi Allen also highlights the vital role the Lydia Becker Institute has played in bringing researchers in Manchester with an interest in Immunology together
Liston: Large institutions like the University of Manchester can be easy to get lost within. How do immunologists interact within the University?
Allen: One of the most exciting things about being a researcher in Manchester is that there are no barriers to what you want to do. Although there are always downsides to a big institution like the University of Manchester, the upside is that you can always find the expertise you need. As mentioned above, especially among the immunologists, everyone wants to help you solve your scientific problem, and will help you find the expertise you need. All of this is fueled by the Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and Inflammation (LBIII). LBIII, originally organized and still led by Tracy Hussell, is an umbrella organization that brings together people across Manchester with interests in immunology. It has proved enormously valuable to me to simply appreciate all the expertise that is available. Lydia Becker expertise is also an essential component of the Biomedical Research Centre, which ensures that immunology features in clinical research activity here in Manchester. It helps that the Dean of our faculty (biology, medicine and health), Graham Lord, is an immunologist.
You can read the full interview here
Immunology & Cell Biology Interview with Prof Judi Allen – Immunology at Manchester
Prof Sheena Cruickshank was featured recently in The Guardian’s ‘Conversations with Experts’ series to answer questions about the possibility of finding a cure for the common cold.