Carer Support Fund

Over the past few years the School of Health Sciences has introduced a number of initiatives (e.g. grant writing retreats, research away days) to help provide opportunities for staff career development. These are supplementary to traditional avenues such as conference attendance and training courses, and although mainly targeting academic and research staff have been well received. However, in recent Athena SWAN staff surveys (2017 & 2018), a significant proportion of staff (ca.29%) stated that personal issues, including those of primary carer responsibilities were prohibitive to participating in such activities and ultimately, to career progression. Attendance at conferences, meetings and training workshops often take place out of office hours or require prolonged travel time. Staff with primary caring responsibilities (e.g. carers of children, elderly parents or ill relatives) are often unable to attend conferences and training courses due to difficulty in organising out of hours care and its high cost.
We are really pleased to announce that small awards of up to £400 are now available to academic, research, PS and technical support staff to help support extra-carer costs associated with attendance at conferences, training events and similar career and professional development activities. This fund has been established by the School of Health Sciences in recognition that many members of staff have caring responsibilities that can affect their ability to travel to and attend such events, but that attendance is important in career development and progression. Application forms can be accessed here.
by David Allison (SR Director for SHS, Deputy-chair of SHS Athena SWAN SAT)