Brains, Sporks and Illusions: What do Psychological Scientists Do?

On the 20th March, we invited 150 A-level and GCSE pupils to hear from Psychology researchers and lecturers about their research and career path. Interactive stalls, quizzes and a series of talks helped young minds figure out just what a career in psychology might entail.
The event featured 5 speakers across topics from the Divisions of Psychology and Mental Health and Psychology, Communication and Human Neuroscience. Dr Hamied Haroon talked about how we can use physics to see pictures of the brain (and included the sound of an MRI scanner playing the Dr Who theme tune). Dr Debbie Smith introduced pupils to the work of a health psychologist. Dr Paul Warren showed how illusions allow us to “hack” the secrets of the brain. Next, Dr Doron Cohen challenged us to think about how psychologists could help tackle climate change and nudge people towards more sustainable behaviour. Finally, Dr Birsu Kandemirci explained how sporks can help us understand how to measure creativity.
Pupils also had the opportunity to quiz staff and students about life at university, including a question that flummoxed us all – how many buildings are there?The organisers – Dr Ellen Poliakoff, Dr Liz McManus, Hayley Shepherd and Jackie O’Brien would like to thank everyone involved.