Lamiece’s research featured in UKRI and Health Data Research UK reports!
The work of Dr Lamiece Hassan, based in the Division for Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences, has been featured in recent high-profile reports by UKRI and Health Data Research UK.
Lamiece, who holds a UKRI funded fellowship with Health Data Research UK, is mid-way through a skills development fellowship to support and build her expertise in health data science. Her project sees her developing skills in natural language processing techniques to analyse social media data and assess public opinion on health and care.
Her work is featured on page 11 of UKRI’s Delivery Plan 2019 and as a case study in the ‘People’ section of Health Data Research UK’s annual report.
Lamiece commented, “This Fellowship has been a brilliant opportunity for me to change track in my career. Having held different roles at the University in research and professional services, I felt it was the right time to focus on developing my research skills and carving out my own niche. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s opened doors and is providing me with the skills, head space and time to navigate tricky technical and ethical challenges to further my research into patient experience.”
You can read the reports in full here:
UKRI Delivery Plan
HDR UK Annual Report