
Below are the zines and comics that have been created as part of the project.

2 Historias de migración

This zine was created by Cristina Zavala and includes a reflection by Malena Bedoya

Este zine fue creado por Cristina Zavala e incluya una reflexión escrita por Malena Bedoya

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 51MB).



This zine was created by Michael Guetio and includes a reflection by Peter Wade

This zine was created by Michael Guetio and includes a reflection by Peter Wade

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 16MB).


  • Ana (compressed version – 1.47MB)
  • Ana (transcript – 30.6KB)
  • Ana (translation – 36.2KB)
Calixto Garmendia

This zine was created by Jesús Cossio, based on a story by Ciro Alegría, and includes a reflection by James Scorer

This zine was created by Michael Guetio and includes a reflection by Peter Wade

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 33MB).


Cuentos alambrados

This zine was created by Lucía Brutta based on a script written by James Scorer

This zine was created by Michael Guetio and includes a reflection by Peter Wade

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 13MB).


Frecuencia negra

This zine was created by Wilson Borja and includes a reflection by Abeyamí Ortega

This zine was created by Michael Guetio and includes a reflection by Peter Wade

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 6.7MB).


Nopeyakas N'äyhäy

This zine was created by Grupo Kalay’i and includes a reflection by Catalina Delgado Rojas

This zine was created by Michael Guetio and includes a reflection by Peter Wade

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 33MB).


Somos los sueños más salvajes de nuestrxs ancestrxs

This zine was produced collectively by the project researchers and artists during a workshop held in Lima in August 2022, with the assistance of project collaborators Espacio Los Únicos and Sara La Torre.


Somos los sueños zine front and back cover

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 11MB).


Dos caras: "G&G"

This zine includes two comics, one written by Lúcia Brutta (G&G), and the other by Cristina Zavala (Chicxs Chinxs en los ’90s), and a reflection written by James Scorer. The title ‘Dos caras’ refers to the fact that the two stories are presented inversely: one is read from one side, the other from the other side. This link presents ‘G&G’ – for ‘Chicxs Chinxs’ please use the other link.


Dos caras_G&G zine frame

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 16.6MB).


Dos caras: "Chicxs chinxs en los '90s"

This zine includes two comics, one written by Lúcia Brutta (G&G), and the other by Cristina Zavala (Chicxs Chinxs en los ’90s), and a reflection written by James Scorer. The title ‘Dos caras’ refers to the fact that the two stories are presented inversely: one is read from one side, the other from the other side. This link presents ‘Chicxs Chinxs’ – for ‘G&G’ please use the other link.


Dos caras_Chicxs chinxs en los '90s zine frame

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 22.6MB).


Wichi letamsek

This zine was created by Grupo Kalay’i.


Grupo Kalayi - Wichi letamsek zine cover

Click on image to download a high resolution version of this zine (PDF – 20.1MB)