PROTECT article in special Issue of Viruses on Aerosol Transmission of Viral Disease
Surface to hand transfer of viruses represents a potential mechanism for human exposure. Transmission of pathogens may involve a range of routes and has high complexity due to behavioural and situational circumstances of humans living in complex environments.
One route that can be pertinent to both respiratory and gastrointestinal pathogens is transmission by touching contaminated items, such as high-touch fomites (e.g., door handle, table surfaces, arm rests, utensils, etc.), or contact with individuals (e.g., hand shaking).
This article, published in an MDPI Viruses special edition on Aerosol Transmission of Viral Disease, and produced by researchers from Theme 2 of the PROTECT NCS, explores the effect of relative humidity on transfer of aerosol-deposited artificial and human saliva from surfaces to artificial finger-pads.