Second Annual DiCED workshop
The second DiCED team workshop was held virtually on June 24, 2021. It brought together the University of Manchester team of researchers with project partners interested in using DiCED data to investigate the impact of digital technology on the organization, implementation and impact of political campaigns, in the US, UK, Germany, France and Poland.
The workshop began with an overview presentation by Rachel in which she outlined the key research questions of the project and how these mapped onto the methodologies that will be used. This was followed by a presentation of the server environment by Peter. The DiCED team and project members will use this server to access and analyse data. Thereafter, Esmeralda gave a presentation about project-related logistics and organisational matters.
The event ended with a commitment to hold another, hopefully in-person DiCED workshop next year, and a discussion of plans for the study of upcoming elections (e.g., the German federal election this September and the presidential and parliamentary elections in France next year).