DiCED at Memes & Methods Workshop (21 March)
Tune in to the Memes & Methods workshop!
Two members of DiCED – Esmeralda Bon and Niamh Cashell – will be presenting at the Memes & Methods Workshop organised by the Digital Futures cluster at the University of Manchester. This workshop will take place on the 21st of March and focus on the development of new methods to examine the production, re-production and consumption of memes and other types of visual imagery across virtual spaces.
Event structure:
9.30 – 12.30 Session 1: Presentations (in-person, with the option of presenting via video-call)
1.30 – 4.30 Session 2: Methods workshop (in-person)
Attendance is free. Please feel free to register at Eventbrite.
For those wishing to speak at this workshop, the deadline for applications is 11th of March, 5 pm.