Evidence submission to PACAC

Evidence submission to PACAC

Professor Rachel Gibson has recently submitted evidence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee in response to a request for feedback about the powers that the Electoral Commission has and should have. She writes about the need to regulate...

Democracy@Risk Report now released

Democracy@Risk Report now released

‘In the wake of the digital surge caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, citizens are spending a record proportion of their day on their digital devices, whilst the level of public dissatisfaction with democracy is at its highest since the mid-1990s. It seems that in this...

Event: Launch of the Democracy@Risk Report

Event: Launch of the Democracy@Risk Report

On the 20th of September, the Democracy@Risk project will launch a report summarising the key findings of a multidisciplinary literature review conducted by the Democracy@Risk Project at the University of Manchester in 2020.  Drawing on existing research and...

Award for “When the Nerds Go Marching In” 🥳

Award for “When the Nerds Go Marching In” 🥳

Many congratulations to our own Rachel Gibson, who has received the Best Book Award by the Information Technology and Politics Section of APSA (the American Political Science Association). After careful review, the panel decided that Rachel's work,  ‘When the Nerds Go...

📢 Event: Rachel Gibson speaking at Fake News Event

📢 Event: Rachel Gibson speaking at Fake News Event

On June 16, from 1 until 2 pm, our own Rachel Gibson will be speaking at a lunchtime event hosted by The Guardian. This is the first in a series of lunchtime events organised collaboratively by the University of Manchester and The Guardian. Tickets can be bought to...