Unsure of who to contact about an issue? Below we have prepared a brief overview of key contacts across the University and SALC.

The central Student Support site

This is a single point of truth for central student facing support information and advice: www.studentsupport.manchester.ac.uk/. We would like to highlight some of the information that you may find useful on there.

From this site you can find links to a myriad of wellbeing support services such as the Counselling Service, the Big White Wall and also links to the Disability Advisory and Support Services.

The site also links to the central Student Services team who you can contact (via email currently) about a number of issues such as funding or find out more about immigration and Visas. The site also has Further Resources on how to how to use zoom or google hangouts.

IT Services – troubles logging on or accessing services

You can also find more information on the IT services site.  If you are now working off campus and have a question about accessing the VPN there is a how to guide; Global Protect VPN: Install (Undergraduate and PGT students).  Students may need to log in to access the document.

If you are still experiencing problems, log a query with the IT Support Portal explaining that you have followed the instructions on the document, but are still experiencing problems.  It would help if you have a screenshot of any error messages but don’t worry if now. You could also email helpmegetonline@manchester.ac.uk.

SALC Student Support team

The SALC Student Support team led by Sara Latham can offer welfare advice and lead the mitigating circumstances process https://www.alc.manchester.ac.uk/student-intranet/support/. Please note that SALC uses an online mitigating circumstances form (other schools use a word document).

SALC Student Experience Team

You can also contact a member of the Student Experience team led by Louise Stewart if you are unsure of where you need to go for help on an issue, you would like to talk to someone about a Rep role or School Staff Liaison Commitee, make a suggestion for the social media channels. This team also manages the SALC student blog and posts relevant news and information for SALC students, it also has an online chat tool: https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/salc-students/. The Student Experience team can be contacted via the email address:  salcstudents@manchester.ac.uk

The SALC Academic Advisory Community

The SALC Academic Advisory Community on Blackboard has advice about how to make the most of your academic advising, has all the links to SALC Essential and a space for Student Reps. This area also has an area for the Wright Bright Service run by Samantha Catterall, who can help you to improve your academic writing via workshops or one to one appointments. You can also receive feedback though this service on your assignments or practice presentation skills or request 121 writing support.

SALC Student Intranet

On this site you will find out all the information about the subject you are studying such as programme structures, programme handbooks, course unit selections: https://www.alc.manchester.ac.uk/student-intranet/.

As you may be aware each area has its own administration hub and will contact you about subject related issues such as exams subject related meetings and events. From the same intranet site you can also link through to find the contacts for your course area: https://www.alc.manchester.ac.uk/student-intranet/undergraduate/contact-us/

Halls of Residence

The halls are still open although the University has currently suspended campus based non-essential services, and colleagues in Residential Services are working hard to support students who are staying on campus. Their details are highlighted on the home page of the student support website: http://www.accommodation.manchester.ac.uk/reslife/

The Careers Service

The careers service have currently moved to online delivery, with services for students and graduates being delivered by email, Skype and telephone: http://www.careers.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/news/

Security on Campus

Campus Security services remain fully operational and can be contacted if there is a security issue around the campus.

The Students’ Union

The Students’ Union (SU) has its own website https://manchesterstudentsunion.com/ . The SU website offers information about student discounts, jobs, student news and they have a number of representatives in the Exec Team who work to give students more representation across various activities within the University. The SU can also offer advice on finances, academic advice, wellbeing initiatives and housing.



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Contacts and Services across the University and within SALC

by | Apr 8, 2020 | My studies | 0 comments

Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple pie powder. Marshmallow powder chocolate bar sugar plum chocolate bar wafer marshmallow sugar plum bear claw. Marzipan macaroon bonbon sweet powder chocolate cake donut toffee carrot cake. Ice cream apple pie pastry. Wafer biscuit brownie bonbon. Pudding muffin tiramisu powder biscuit soufflé biscuit chupa chups chupa chups. Powder lemon drops pastry apple pie lemon drops cotton candy. Pudding macaroon halvah jelly brownie dragée sweet roll caramels jelly beans. Cookie biscuit lollipop. Donut jelly beans wafer marzipan powder oat cake gummies icing chocolate bar. Dessert fruitcake donut cupcake. Jelly macaroon brownie gingerbread cupcake donut fruitcake.

Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.


Contacts and Services across the University and within SALC

by | Apr 8, 2020 | My studies | 0 comments

Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple pie powder. Marshmallow powder chocolate bar sugar plum chocolate bar wafer marshmallow sugar plum bear claw. Marzipan macaroon bonbon sweet powder chocolate cake donut toffee carrot cake. Ice cream apple pie pastry. Wafer biscuit brownie bonbon. Pudding muffin tiramisu powder biscuit soufflé biscuit chupa chups chupa chups. Powder lemon drops pastry apple pie lemon drops cotton candy. Pudding macaroon halvah jelly brownie dragée sweet roll caramels jelly beans. Cookie biscuit lollipop. Donut jelly beans wafer marzipan powder oat cake gummies icing chocolate bar. Dessert fruitcake donut cupcake. Jelly macaroon brownie gingerbread cupcake donut fruitcake.

Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.


Contacts and Services across the University and within SALC

by | Apr 8, 2020 | My studies | 0 comments

Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple pie powder. Marshmallow powder chocolate bar sugar plum chocolate bar wafer marshmallow sugar plum bear claw. Marzipan macaroon bonbon sweet powder chocolate cake donut toffee carrot cake. Ice cream apple pie pastry. Wafer biscuit brownie bonbon. Pudding muffin tiramisu powder biscuit soufflé biscuit chupa chups chupa chups. Powder lemon drops pastry apple pie lemon drops cotton candy. Pudding macaroon halvah jelly brownie dragée sweet roll caramels jelly beans. Cookie biscuit lollipop. Donut jelly beans wafer marzipan powder oat cake gummies icing chocolate bar. Dessert fruitcake donut cupcake. Jelly macaroon brownie gingerbread cupcake donut fruitcake.

Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.


Contacts and Services across the University and within SALC

by | Apr 8, 2020 | My studies | 0 comments

Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple pie powder. Marshmallow powder chocolate bar sugar plum chocolate bar wafer marshmallow sugar plum bear claw. Marzipan macaroon bonbon sweet powder chocolate cake donut toffee carrot cake. Ice cream apple pie pastry. Wafer biscuit brownie bonbon. Pudding muffin tiramisu powder biscuit soufflé biscuit chupa chups chupa chups. Powder lemon drops pastry apple pie lemon drops cotton candy. Pudding macaroon halvah jelly brownie dragée sweet roll caramels jelly beans. Cookie biscuit lollipop. Donut jelly beans wafer marzipan powder oat cake gummies icing chocolate bar. Dessert fruitcake donut cupcake. Jelly macaroon brownie gingerbread cupcake donut fruitcake.

Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.