SORD researchers present seminar on Health Inequalities in the Signing Deaf Community
In December 2022, Katie and Molly presented a seminar on "Health Inequalities in the Signing Deaf Community" as part of the Cancer Research Network EDI Seminar series. The seminar aimed to shed light on the health disparities faced by members of the deaf community who...
New article: Deaf signers and hearing aids
The article "Deaf signers and hearing aids: motivations, access, competency and service effectiveness", co-authored by Celia Hulme, Alys Young, Katherine Rogers and Kevin Munro, has now been published in the International Journal of Audiology. To cite this article:...
SORD and the REF 2021 results
Members of SORD were returned in REF2021, under Unit of Assessment 3: Allied Health Professions. REF (Research Excellence Framework) is a UK-wide exercise in assessing the quality of research in all universities.This article is available in BSL It consists of three...

Article published on Deaf sign language users and hearing aids in the International Journal of Audiology
The first study investigating culturally Deaf sign language users experiences of hearing aids and UK hearing aid clinics is now available for you to read.'Exploring the lived experiences of British Sign Language (BSL) users who access NHS adult hearing aid clinics: an...

Article published: Adapting an online survey platform to permit translanguaging
The journal Field Methods has recently published the article “Adapting an online survey to permit translanguaging”, authored by Professor Alys Young, Francisco Espinoza, Claire Dodds, Dr Katie Rogers and Rita Giacoppo. The article is part of The READY Study, a...
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