SoSS Teaching Roadmap

Career Development and Training

Colleagues should annually review their teaching and continually strive to improve. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an annual expectation and colleagues should demonstrate a commitment to enhancing their professional skills development and training, for example through gaining the appropriate level of Advance HE Fellowship (e.g. through the LEAP programme), other formal qualifications such as the PGCert in HE, formal and informal training provided by the Institution, participation in national and international networks, the sharing of good practice or the self-directed development of skills.

As teaching professionals, colleagues are expected to enhance their practice in teaching, assessment and student support via peer review, the PDR process in line with University policy, other reviews as appropriate and feedback from students, line managers, and peers. Colleagues should be able to communicate and reflect on their teaching achievements (for example publishing scholarship research and engaging with external collaborations), highlighting both their approach and impact, and should be able to evidence training taken to help them support students and themselves.


Activities Descriptor 2 (Fellow) Descriptor 3 (Senior Fellow) Descriptor 4 (Principal Fellow)
Digital Skills Adopting and evaluating standard eLearning resources are normal activities expected for any lecturer. Learning to use, piloting and evaluating new systems or new ways to deploy older ones are examples of advanced activities. Support departments/school in training, adopting and evaluating eLearning technology, promoting the use of new technologies are example of strategic leadership.
Engaging with Scholarship research Being aware of pedagogical insights and reflect on own teaching are normal activities expected for any lecturer. Contributing and attending pedagogy conferences, sharing good practice in seminars/workshops/online, publishing in scholarship journals are examples of advanced activities. Designing and implementing policies to support colleagues engaging in scholarship research, serving as editor of scholarship journals are examples of strategic leadership.