SoSS Teaching Roadmap

 Collegial Service and Leadership

Most colleagues involved with teaching will have contractual obligations to provide some form of service and leadership in T&L.

Examples of service are roles which support (through the application of regulations and policies) the running of programmes and the teaching (and assessment) of departments; e.g. internal exam moderator, exam officer, mitigating circumstances officer, academic malpractice officer, etc.

Examples of leaderships are roles with requires coordination and support of other colleagues, the evaluation, creation and updating of policies and operational approaches, the preparation and implementation of strategic agendas; e.g. departmental T&L leads, School Director of T&L, School Senior Academic Advisor, etc.

Professional Services and Academic colleagues must work in partnership to support the delivery of teaching, learning and student experience. Academic supervision should be effective and must include opportunities for reflection, feedback and reviewing of student achievement/progress. 

Note: some of the roles mentioned below may not be available/applicable is some departments; nomenclature may also vary across the School. Please, get in touch with your Mentor, T&L Lead or Head of Department for guidance.

Activities Descriptor 2 (Fellow) Descriptor 3 (Senior Fellow) Descriptor 4 (Principal Fellow)
exam officer/mitigating circumstance office
programme/pathway director
employability lead
eLearning lead
student experience officer
UG/PGT director Coordinating the efforts of departmental programme directors, engaging regularly with students and looking for ways to respond to students’ voice, evaluating and addressing concerns about the teaching offered in the department are examples of advanced activities of UG/PGT directors.
T&L lead Leading and taking responsibility (together with the HoD) of the teaching quality of the department and contributing to the School’s T&L agenda are example of strategic leadership of T&L Leads.
DoTL Leading and taking responsibility (together with the HoS) of the teaching quality of the School and contributing to the Faculty’s T&L agenda are example of strategic leadership of Directors of T&L Leads.
Academic Malpractice Officer / Chair
TA co-ordinator Coordinating the teaching of GTAs, and helping the Course Unit Directors in supporting their GTAs are examples of advanced activity undertaken by departmental co-ordinators. Leading the departmental coordinators, producing appropriate policies and contributing to the School’s T&L agenda are example of strategic leadership of School GTA coordinators.
Recruitment officer
Chair/membership of Uni/Faculty/School working groups
Peer reviewer, Mentor/PDR reviewer
Dissertation Supervision
EDI Officer