How much ventilation is required to reduce transmission?

by | Oct 5, 2022 | Advice for employers/decision makers, Preventing the spread of respiratory viruses, Ventilation | 0 comments

Although there is no “safe” ventilation rate to prevent the spread of pathogens altogether, ventilation that maintains lower CO2 levels (under 800ppm) is considered a lower risk environment. High CO2 levels (routinely above 1500ppm) are often a sign of poor ventilation and may create a higher risk environment.

Transmission models suggest that better ventilation can lower risks and reduce the probability of outbreaks Predictive and retrospective modelling of airborne infection risk using monitored carbon dioxide – Henry C. Burridge, Shiwei Fan, Roderic L. Jones, Catherine J. Noakes, P. F. Linden, 2022 ( However, ventilation is much more effective when it is used together with social distancing than when people are less than 1m apart.


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