A SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a public order and safety training facility in England, June 2021

by | May 24, 2024 | Theme 1: Outbreak investigations | 0 comments

The public order and safety (POS) sector remains susceptible to COVID-19 outbreaks, as workplace attendance is typically compulsory and close physical contact is often needed.

In this paper from theme 1 researchers on the PROTECT NCS, the team report on a COVID-19 outbreak which occurred between 19 and 29 June 2021 among a cohort of new POS recruits participating in a mandatory 18-week training programme in England during the phased reopening from the third national lockdown in the United Kingdom.

This outbreak investigation was conducted using the standardised protocol of the broader COVID-19 Outbreak investigation to Understand Transmission (COVID-OUT) Study which has systematically collected data from workplace COVID-19 outbreaks in the United Kingdom with the aim of better understanding occupational risk factors for transmission across different work sector


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