Grant success for team led by Rachel Gibson!
Recently, DiCED's Rachel Gibson and Marta Cantijoch, together with other team members based at the University of Manchester, have been awarded a grant for the project "Linking digital footprint and survey data for open research". The Smart Data Research UK grant which...
Listen to DiCED’s talk at a recent Political Psychology seminar!
On the 20th of May, DiCED's Rachel Gibson presented at the PSA specialist group for Political Psychology about micro-targeting. Specifically, the talk was called "Personalisation versus privacy concerns as determinants of attitudes toward political micro-targeting in...

DiCED’s Rachel Gibson attending the Sci Foo ‘unconference’ in Silicon Valley
From Feb 9-11, Rachel will participate at the annual Science Foo Camp (Sci Foo) ‘unconference’ organised by SAGE, O’Reilly Media and Facebook in Palo Alto, California. The event is designed to allow participants to meet without a fixed agenda and discuss topics of...

DiCED’s Niamh Cashell to take up a funded 3-month internship at the BBC
DiCED team member Niamh has been awarded £6000 to conduct a 3-month internship with the BBC Research and Development Team as part of the ESRC Digital Good Network (between mid-April and mid-July, following training in January). Using the May 2024 local elections as a...

Three days in December: Donald Tusk government takes over (4-13 December 2023)
After almost two months since the election day Donald Tusk has officially became the prime minister and Poland entered a new phase in which a coalition government will be required to cohabitate with president Andrzej Duda. With local elections in just three months,...

DiCED goes to South-Africa!
On January 25-26, DiCED's own Rachel Gibson will be in Cape Town, South Africa, to attend IPE24: the International PolCampaigns Expo. The theme of this two-day event is "Transforming Political Campaigns: How AI and Big Data Amplify Voter Engagement and Shape Political...

The fortnight government and the wind of change (27 November – 3 December 2023)
Mateusz Morawiecki presented his new cabinet to the president and got two weeks to receive a vote of confidence from the parliament. But even president Andrzej Duda seems to believe he will soon be asked to swear in another cabinet, led by Donald Tusk. At the same...

The three parallel cabinets of Poland (20-26 November 2023)
By some accounts, in the recent week Poland has had three governments. The Government 1, led by Mateusz Morawiecki, is the still acting cabinet. The Government 2, also led by Mateusz Morawiecki as prime minister-designate, will be presented to the parliament within...

Poland between the old and new government (13-19 November 2023)
The new parliament gathers for the first time, Mateusz Morawiecki chooses to accept a seemingly impossible mission to form a new government, and the celebrity marshal Szymon Hołownia is praised for his performance. In the meantime Donald Tusk shies away from the...

Law and Justice’s long goodbye with government (4-12 November 2023)
The week started with Andrzej Duda’s not entirely earthshaking announcement about whom he will designate as the prime minister. It was followed by the rising tension until the opposition parties unveiled their coalition agreement. The significance of the two...
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