Examples of good practice: suicide prevention initiatives

As part of our work to support local areas to develop suicide prevention quality improvement plans, we have created infographics for each local area to summarise and showcase one of their suicide prevention projects.

These infographics are intended to promote and share learning from the projects in a quick and simple way. They summarise the projects’ aims, what the project involved, and outcome measures.

Below are infographics from some of the innovative work in the programme targeting three of the main priority areas identified in the National Suicide Prevention Strategy: reducing risk in men; prevention and response to self-harm; and improving acute mental health care, as well as real-time surveillance (RTS).


Reducing risk in men

Release the pressure campaign (Kent and Medway STP)

Release the pressure infographic

This campaign is raising awareness and encouraging help-seeking in middle-aged men with a direct link to a 24/7 support line.


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12th man campaign (Norfolk and Waveney STP)

12th Man infographic

The 12th Man campaign is delivering community-based mental health first-aid training to those who interact with men in everyday life, such as barbers.


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More examples

Other local suicide prevention projects aimed at middle-aged men include:

Prevention and response to self-harm

Self-harm Support and Recovery service (Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS)

Self-harm service infographic

The Self-harm Support and Recovery service offers a three-tier non-clinical intervention to support individuals who self-harm and experience suicidal thoughts.


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More examples

Improving acute mental health care

MindStance course (Coventry and Warwickshire STP)

MindStance infographic

MindStance is a six-week course produced by MIND and Care Grow Live (CGL) to increase the understanding and coping skills of individuals with mental health problems who misuse substances.


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Suicide Safer Primary Care and Suicide Safer Community projects (Cornwall and Isle of Scilly STP)

Suicide Safer Primary Care and Suicide Safer Community projects infographic

Two projects targeting safety planning:

  • suicide prevention training for primary care staff with a specific focus on the use of safety plans;
  • safety planning training in the community, including a website with downloadable plans and resources.


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More examples

Real-time surveillance

South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS

Real-time surveillance infographic 

An early alert system collects information on suspected suicides, before sharing with a multi-agency group, and offering bereavement support to affected individuals.

Learning panel case reviews are also carried out.


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Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS

Real time surveillance and contagion response infographic.

A multi-agency team are alerted within 24 hours of a suspected suicide to ensure timely monitoring and contagion response.

Bereavement support is offered, with workplaces and education settings a particular focus.


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