Hello pupils! We got to see some of you for your Year 8 visit before Christmas and we hope you enjoyed it. Unfortunately, because you’re all studying at home at the moment, we can’t deliver the Year 8 sessions that were planned for January and February 2021. We’re hoping any schools that had to cancel Gateways activities for Year 8s will be able to rebook the session for when you come back to school, but we wanted to give you something to do at home until we get to work with you again.
We’ve created a knowledge trail for you to complete, based upon information we’ve shared on our Year 8 webpages.
All you need to do is download the worksheet and then try and answer the questions we’ve set you.
We’ve got an answer sheet for you too, but to find that you’ll have to do some more searching, and see if you find the link to the answer sheet hidden away in either the Year 7 or Year 9 pages.
Good luck!
Click here to download the Gateways website knowledge trail worksheet
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