Clinical characteristics and care pathways of patients with PD who died by suicide
Flynn et al, 2020
This study aimed to examine the characteristics of patients with personality disorder who died by suicide, their clinical care pathways, and whether the care offered to this group adhered to NICE guidance.
The medical records and serious incident reports of over 100 patients with a diagnosis of personality disorder who died by suicide in 2013 were examined. Most had a diagnosis of borderline/emotionally unstable personality disorder. These patients were more likely to have a history of alcohol and drug misuse, violence, and self-harm, and to die by self-poisoning than patients without personality disorder.
The examination of their clinical care pathways revealed that services were not designed for those with a long history of illness and complex needs. Service provision was inconsistent, with standards of care and treatment recommended by NICE not always followed, especially with regards to access to psychological therapies and medication.
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