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Mental health services, suicide and 7-day working

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Clinical care, Research summaries | 0 comments

Kapur et al, 2016

In England, it has been suggested that the ‘weekend effect’ (patients’ increased risk of dying when admitted to hospital at the weekend) could account for 6,000 excess deaths per year. This study aimed to investigate the timing of suicide in high-risk mental health patients.

The incidence of suicide at the weekend versus during the week, and in August versus other months (August being the month of Junior Doctor changeover) was compared in in-patients, patients within 3 months of discharge, and patients under the care of CRHT in 2001-2013.

A ‘reverse weekend effect’ was found: the incidence of suicide was lower for patients admitted at the weekend compared to those admitted during the week.

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