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Suicide risk assessment in UK mental health services: a national mixed methods study

by | Feb 2, 2023 | Research summaries, Risk assessment in primary and secondary care | 0 comments

Graney et al, 2020

The aim of this mixed-methods study was to examine which risk assessment tools were in use in the UK, and collect the views of clinicians, patients, and carers on the use of these tools.

Findings showed little consistency in their use, with most aiming to predict and categorise self-harm or suicidal behaviour. Clinicians, patients and carers expressed both positive (for example, communicating risk to other healthcare teams) and negative (for example, inadequate training in their use) views of them. In line with national guidance, risk assessment should not be seen to predict future behaviour and should not be used to allocate treatment.

The findings also emphasised the need for a more collaborative and personalised approach to risk assessment.

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