Teaching Online – Guidance for online and blended teaching

Faculty offers a wide range of guidance options. This guidance is intended to provide support to colleagues who have previously had limited experience of teaching remotely and guidance in producing online resources which meet a minimum service standard for our students. If you are already using software or eLearning technology in your teaching which meets or surpasses these levels of service then you should feel free to continue doing so.


Faculty has developed a range of templates to exemplify how you might want to use them to get your teaching materials for online delivery.

Templates are useful in a number of ways. They help provide a thread connecting student activities and content. Templates exemplify how you might like to promote active student learning and peer interaction online, ways to make teacher presence felt beyond uploading of files, as well as providing opportunities for students to gain feedback during contact time.

For further guidance see: How and Why should I Develop Online Materials


Adobe CC Express Templates

We recommend you to use Adobe Creative Cloud Express Templates (formally Spark Page) as the platform to deliver lectures and seminars and make them available (linked) from Blackboard.

To gain access to any of the templates above please contact the eLearning team.

For guidance on how to incorporate the Templates above please see our Adobe CC Express Hub FAQs page.


Word / PDF Templates

If you prefer to use Word to deliver your online lectures, you can use the templates below and then pdf and upload your lecture delivery to Blackboard.


PowerPoint Templates

If you prefer to use PowerPoint to deliver your online lectures, you can use the templates below:


Humanities Templates – Graphics to Download

If you would like to use additional icons or banners, you can download them here:

Each folder has a zip file of all its contents, or you can simply download the individual items you want to use.


Should you encounter any problems with this guidance or wish to ask questions, contact the Humanities eLearning Team.


Looking for some tips to help with online learning? Have a look at What Works in Teaching and Things To Try.