CARLA’s public events 2023-24

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Afro-descendants, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Film, Indigenous people |

In 2023-24, CARLA researchers and artists have been active in many public-facing events.

Peter Wade presented CARLA’s online exhibition at PeopleFest, the public festival of anthropology organised by the Association of Anthropologists of the UK, in April 2024; and again in November 2024 in an event on ‘The Art of Research’: Co-produced Street Art, which was part of a Festival of Social Science run by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council.


In conjunction with Liliana Angulo, the project’s advisor in Colombia, Correa has collaborated with Wi Da Monikongo in the organisation of an online film festival of Afro-Colombian productions. Using project funds, English-language subtitles have been added to these films for the purposes of the festival and to allow the films to circulate more widely in international film festivals.

CARLA artist Margarita Ariza made a presentation of her performance work Salve, Salva, Salvia at The International Summer School “Stories of Resistance: remembering and archiving political and environmental conflicts”, September 4-15 2023 in Bogotá. It was organized by the University of Kassel, in cooperation with the School of Human Sciences of the Universidad del Rosario, and the Institut Kassel.


From April to October 2023, University of Manchester funding was used to support a visit by Ana Vivaldi to Argentina in December 2022 during which she supported CARLA artists Teatro en Sepia (TES), Teatro El Katango (TEK) and the Identidad Marrón collective. Ana helped organised and spoke at an event, “El Antirracismo y el artivismo como respuesta a los discursos del odio” (Anti-racism and artivism as a response to hate speech), with Identidad Marrón and other collectives (Chola Contravisual and Plagio Cultural), 6 December (

In March 2023, further funds allowed the two theatre groups to mount a performance in Buenos Aires at the Museo Histórico Sarmiento on 19 May 2023, as part of the Museum’s exhibition, Sin Pedestal. Racismo científico en la escultura del siglo XIX (Without a pedestal: scientific racism in 19th-century sculpture). The performance was of three scenes from a play in progress, Ñiküfnaqkechi waria (Silence in the City), led by TEK, but involving TES actors ( The funds also supported the development of a production led by Teatro en Sepia with TEK actors called Fuego Amigo, which debuted on 9 Nov 2023.

In August 2023, in Argentina the first judgement was handed down on a criminal case of violence with aggravating circumstances of racial hatred against “brown” (marrón) people. The court ruling in its analysis of local forms of racism made reference to a book, Marrones Escriben, produced by the arts collective, Identidad Marrón, which the CARLA project helped to fund and edit.


Exhibition posterIn Brazil, the exhibition coordinated by CARLA researcher Felipe Milanez, which was launched on 3 November 2022 at the Museo de Arte Sacra of the Universidade Federal da Bahia, opened in August 2023 at the Museu da Imagem e do Som, in Fortaleza, and in October, at the Centro Cultural do Cariri in Crato, Ceará. The artists involved mobilized to get a grant from Funarte to take the exhibit to Recife’s Museu de Arte Moderna in 2024.