Contact us

We would love to hear your feedback about what you think about this site, how you have found it useful, and how we might improve it. This is helpful to show whether the website is useful and how we can develop it in the future. Short or long feedback is fine!

If you would like to give us more information about yourself (e.g. whether you are a student or teacher at school or university, an interested member of the public, etc), please do so.

You are welcome to contact us via email or in other ways, whether with feedback, suggestions for future collaboration, or other matters.

Our contact details are below:

Dr Peter Cave, Lecturer in Japanese Studies, School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures, Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K. Profile: Email: peter.cave[at]

Dr Aaron William Moore, Lecturer in East Asian History, School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures, Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K. Profile: Email: aaron.moore[at]