Category: Indigenous people

Más allá de la visibilización: Teatro en Sepia

Más allá de la visibilización: Teatro en Sepia

Teatro en Sepia (TES): La Compañía teatral Teatro en Sepia, fue creada en el 2010, por la directora y actriz Alejandra Egido. Trabaja desde las artes escénicas en pos de quebrar la histórica indiferencia y olvido de la presencia de los descendientes de esclavos en la Argentina, y de los afrodescendientes provenientes de migraciones pasadas o contemporáneas que habitan este territorio.

Online event: “Decolonising the Arts in Latin America: Anti-Racist Disruptors in the Art World”

Online event: “Decolonising the Arts in Latin America: Anti-Racist Disruptors in the Art World”

Wednesday 29 July 2020: an on-line conversation among Black and Indigenous artists and creative practitioners who are staking out new territory in the art world in Latin America, challenging art museums, cultural institutions, theatres and publishers in relation to questions of racism and racial difference.

Pandemic, Racism and Indigenous and Black Genocide in Brazil: Coronavirus and Extermination Policy

Pandemic, Racism and Indigenous and Black Genocide in Brazil: Coronavirus and Extermination Policy

Tragedies are always socially unequal and expose in a striking way historically constructed inequalities. Exposure to the new coronavirus and the treatment of its effects among human populations have been distributed extremely unevenly. While some people have had privileged access to medical care, other social groups disproportionately bear the negative effects, in a pattern structured by social classifications.

Ritual Masks for a World in Crisis

Ritual Masks for a World in Crisis

Denilson Baniwa was born in Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil, in 1984. His art explores his experience of being Indigenous in the current moment, combining traditional and contemporary Indigenous references, and making use of Western icons to raise awareness about the struggle of Indigenous peoples in various media and languages. Here he presents “Ritual Masks for a World in Crisis”, an artwork created for the IMS Convida programme, which encourages artistic creation during the coronavirus quarantine.

Memories of the Past, Fear of the Present: Being Indigenous in the Face of the Pandemic

Memories of the Past, Fear of the Present: Being Indigenous in the Face of the Pandemic

Francineia Fontes Baniwa: When we speak of Indigenous peoples and the current challenge of the pandemic, I think immediately of my Upper Negro River region in the northern part of Amazonas state. Just in the first months of the year, I lost my aunt, my father’s sister; my children lost their grandfather on their father’s side; a close relative lost her baby in childbirth, and today I received the news that the wife of my cousin Daniel passed away as she was giving birth, but the baby survived.