Category: Reflection

Transformative Pedagogy? Creating online and blended learning spaces for Leaders in the Global Development Sphere   

Transformative Pedagogy? Creating online and blended learning spaces for Leaders in the Global Development Sphere   

Shirley Jenner, Natalie Cunningham and Jaco Renken attended a Symposium, a Manchester-Melbourne University Partnership Panel Event and the Development Studies Association of Australia (DSAA) Conference in Melbourne this summer.

Think Outside the Box: Co-Creating Student-Centered Support Services and User Experience for Canvas

Think Outside the Box: Co-Creating Student-Centered Support Services and User Experience for Canvas

Chiachi Ming, Research Associate on our Student-centred design project, reports upon working with the Library’s student team to explore how students can feed-forward in the design of their virtual learning environment. 

‘Real enough’: Testing and refining ideas about how we support staff in the move to using Canvas.

‘Real enough’: Testing and refining ideas about how we support staff in the move to using Canvas.

In this blog, Sarah Dyer and Lauren Starr describes a recent workshop held as part of Project Shift. Project Shift is a co-design project where the Humanities eLearning team are working with academics and professional services colleagues to create the support that will be offered in the move to using Canvas as our Central Learning Environment (CLE). 

Sparking meaningful conversations for student engagement: Visualising the journey of learning design

Sparking meaningful conversations for student engagement: Visualising the journey of learning design

Chiachi Ming is a service designer who has joined the University’s Faculty of Humanities to work on our ‘Student-centred design’ project, exploring the potential of human-centred design in Higher Education. In this blog she reflects of the power of visualisation in articulating and creating student learning journeys.

Capturing and reflecting on individual learning journeys through a photographic competition

Capturing and reflecting on individual learning journeys through a photographic competition

SEED academics Loretta Anthony-Okeke, Heather Cockayne, Susan Dawson and Zhuo Min Huang describe a student experience event in which MA students in MIE were asked to reflect on their learning journey throughout the year and choose a photo they had taken to represent those reflections accompanied by a written commentary.


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