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Foresight 3.0 – circular economy Ukraine



The Circular Economy (‘CE’) is a transformation in progress in many countries around the world. 

For Ukraine, the CE transformation is essential in many ways –

  • Modernize the economy and increase value-added
  • Enhance investment, trade flows, incomes and skills
  • Strengthen cooperation with the EU and internationally.

However, such transformation is far-reaching, with many sectors of business and society, many material streams, and many kinds of location.

To make sense of this, to look ahead at the challenges, to mobilize the visions and opportunities, and turn these into practical actions – this is the role of foresight and strategic thinking. 

This current project – the ‘Exploratory Strategic Foresight for Circular Economy in Ukraine’ is managed by UNIDO, under the EU4Environment program, with sponsorship from the German BMZ. 

The program integrates two parallel streams each with its specialist team:

  • Foresight: The purpose of this process is to explore the future developments of the circular economy in Ukraine, both at the level of the selected regions and for specific value chains, by combining exploratory and normative approaches, and to devise concrete options and roadmaps for future action.
  • CE strategy: The purpose of this process is to “translate” the findings of the foresight activity into a series of position papers that can be easily fed into the formulation of the Ukrainian CE strategy development process. This is also producing an online training platform for wider application.

The methods and tools are based on the synergistic approach and pathways toolkit.  This has been developed as a practical way of working with complex cognitive systems, i.e. foresight type challenges, which look beyond direct ‘problem-fixing’, towards ‘transformative innovation’.

The key to this is the ‘collective intelligence’ of systems large or small.  This is basically the capacity for mutual learning, communication, innovation and collaboration: shared between a wider set of stakeholders, with deeper layers of value.


The foresight team includes specialists from


FURTHER DETAILS and updates – see the Circular Economy pages at the Resource Efficiency & Cleaner Production Centre