Foresight 3.0 Indonesia
Foresight 3.0 Indonesia contributes to the ongoing program led by Dr Yanuar Nugroho for the Ministry of National Development Planning, in collaboration with the Nalar Institute ( and Centre for Innovation Policy & Governance (
The Foresight 3.0 approach extends the mainstream foresight methods – and also helps to apply and embed them into practice. The key is to unlock the emerging ‘collective futures intelligence’, with a wider stakeholder community, deeper layers of value, and further horizons of transformation. This works on dual tracks – both within the foresight process itself, and for the users and society around.
A good example is the report on the experimental demonstration for interactive education in foresight and the ‘collective futures intelligence’ – at Gadjah Mada University – August 7th – Foresight in Public Policy.
All these raise profound questions on the rebalancing of global South and North: de-colonization and emerging forms of sustainable development – as in the graphic here from Deeper City .
The Indonesia program includes these events with Joe Ravetz / Yanuar Nugroho (on-site / hybrid):
- 3rd August: keynote on ‘planning for uncertainty’ at, University of Brawijaya, Malang
- 4th August: Global peri-urban special issue launch, hybrid / University of Brawijaya, Malang
- 7th August: demo of interactive education: ‘Foresight for and as policy’: shaping the future with the synergistic approach’: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta: Foresight in Public Policy report
- 8th August: book launch on ‘The Road to Nusantara’ at National Research & Innovation Agency, Jakarta
- 9th August: public lecture at National Research & Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta
- 10th August: presentation at Indonesian National Technology Day, Jakarta
For related events and background see the – and the source text on Deeper-City: Collective-Intelligence-and-the-Pathways-from-Smart-to-Wise

The applications to Indonesian national development are very topical –
- Climate change impacts and responses, in a highly challenging region
- National urban / spatial development in the world’s largest archipelago
- Smart systems development with new forms of governance / public service
- Context of rapid social / economic / cultural transformation.
The graphic here from Deeper City shows the potential synergistic pathways for the global South-North balance…